First of all, greetings once again readers. It’s been a long time since I posted but I’ve been dealing with various parts of my life and lately I’ve been working on building my Livestream Broadcast studio for my channel “TinmanLIVE” so I’ll keep you posted on the Historic Launch Date.
I’ve not been as moved and motivated to write again until I watched the 2024 DNC last night, so here’s my take on what this event is all about and what it should be.
The goal of the first night was to get America to know who & what Kamala Harris is all about which went very well. It was to build up her character and everyone who spoke knocked it out the park when it comes to that.
NOW, the purpose of a convention (or in this case a political convention) is to – first- celebrate the Democratic Party, then to display and or recognize the accomplishments of the Democratic Party, the current cast of characters, the memorabilia (which was probably displayed & or sold by vendor’s) in the lobbies & halls of the United Center, for the attendees / supporters to interact with delegates and the politicians, and what’s in store for the future of the party. People, THAT’S WHAT A CONVENTION IS ALLABOUT!
However, that wasn’t the case on the last night- with the exception of the attendees viewing tributes or buying memorabilia. Plus, the general public was not allowed to buy tickets. Why not??? This is a convention which by definition means inviting the general public to participate, and every person attending the event had to go through stringet security checks. Also, paying attendees are separated from the delegates & politicians as they were seated in the upper levels of the arena and were denied access to the main floor (where all the action was taking place) unless they had the badges for security clearance. Ok, thats is well understood.
Now, as for the HYPE SHOW!
Over all the show went very well. Congress woman Jasmine Crockett delivered one of the most defining and emotional moments explaining the character of Kamala Harris- as in the Vice President (Kamala Harris) is a human Being, which is well expected. And there were several other poignant moments including the 5 minute standing ovation for Rev Jessie Jackson.
However, aside from all the glitz, glamor, and the festive high energy atmosphere that the attendees were swooped up in, I don’t want the purpose of the convention to be overlooked. Sure the optics was great! The speeches were moving which bought a level of emotions not felt in any previous convention be it DNC or RNC. But as I and other political analysts have told the public and our cohorts since the 90’s when politicians speak at occasions like this is…
“It’s not about what you hear; it’s about what you didn’t hear!”
The crisis in Gaza wasn’t mentioned. Not even mentioning that a school was recently bombed and the bodies of the children were blown into pieces.
The genocide in Sudan wasn’t mentioned or Haiti or Taiwan!
Reparations wasn’t Mentioned!
The migrant crisis wasn’t mentioned!
The Homeless crisis wasn’t mentioned!
The Boarder’s situation wasn’t mentioned!
Yes, sending 20 billion dollars to Israel and not taking care of people at home is a BIG issue to me!
Also, and this is also very important. They did not mention or have anyone representing generation Z which is a good chunk of your voting mass as baby boomers are slowly dying off.
All we heard throughout the evening was anti Trump rhetoric!
If you focus too much on Trump you don’t get the serous issues out that we are experiencing everyday.
You got to give people more than Trump, Trump, Trump! We all know who Trump is, what he stands for and what he has done for over the last 5 or more years now. Those who watch mainstream media is bombarded with Trump on a 24 hour basis. We don’t need to give him this amount of pub at a Convention geared for the triumphs of the Democratic party.
The only issue they really focused on was reproductive rights, which resignated with women, and they touched on voting rights- briefly.
Yes, I’m clear of what I heard which was all good ear candy - a more feel good alternative, but I’m also clear of what I expected to hear, and yes I realize this is just day one, but it is clear that what I am about to lay out as you read on, the remaining days of the DNC will more than likely be of the same substance… TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!
This is one reason why people are so disconnected and turned off by the Democratic Party and or politics all together.
If you’ve been following politics for over a decade, you get tired of hearing the same ole talking points which is called the FEEL GOOD B.S. by politicians, or divisive rhetoric, especially by those who run for office.
I’ve been politically conscious since the 80’s and like most of us that have been absorbed in politics that long has had enough after hearing the same ole Feel good crap to keep us voting for our favorite politicians being democrat or republican.
Also, don’t think that just because Kamala is the nominee that she will make any concrete changes in the party once she’s elected. She has already admitted to being a Zionist so there will be no policy changes or she would have condemned the killings of tens of thousands of innocent children in Gaza let alone the U.S. funding to continue these killings through the bombings.
Speaking of Kamala and the fact that politics makes strange bedfellows. I wonder if anyone remembers when Kamala was running for President in 2020 and called Joe Biden everything but a child of God during their debates?
If Biden was so bad for this country then- as she claimed in the debates and literally chewed him out in front of the whole world, why did she immediately join him as his V.P. running mate, then he was the best thing invented since cream cheese?
Now I can’t suggest this to anyone in that position, but my conscience would not allow me to partner with a person running for the highest office in the land that I knew their policies are so detrimental to this country, where I would have to assist them in making things worse for this country as their second bamana.
In comparison, on the Republican side we can say the same for Nikki Haley when she denounced Trump in a similar fashion when she ran for President then eventually endorsed him hoping he would choose her to be his V.P. which we all knew eventually would happen.
It’s because of personal interest, that’s why! Not to mention a high jump in salary. Plus in reality, in the long run, they’re all on the same team, and it’s all about the BIG SHOW folks! That’s what a political convention of this nature is all about. Showcasing all the performers!
I wonder how many of you guys know that 14% of the delegates are uncommitted? That’s because they know the game. They know what time is. Kamala represents a new face, not a new vision. Maybe this is a BIG pill to swallow to some of you, but the truth is the truth and it’s time to face reality.
Let’s be honest and realize the DNC is a staged thing. It’s not meant to be a substantive thing. People whom are politically astute know the DNC is nothing but a BIG show run by corporate capitalists. Even Attorney Mark P. Fancher states that it is built in a way that it can never get to the real issues and I totally conquer.
It is designed more for entertainment and grandstanding than to put the serious issues on the table for the world to know and discus them. In addition, in this case, the purpose is to let the world know how the nominee and the other officials in attendance (with the help from the general public) can solve them. The purpose is also for unification, not to only unify one party but both parties and the entire nation regardless of political affiliation. That is what a political convention is truly about. Not a dog & pony show!
Now I want everyone who is reading this OpEd to pay close attention to the next 3 days of the DNC and watch for any of these issues to be addressed.
And always remember, when you go out in the community and talk to people about how to vote, they will remember that.
In closing, yes, seize the moment for what the moment provides, but don’t lose fact of what the optics and the logistics of what the moment is and what the moment should be dealing with.
And don’t blame me for facing reality. I’m just the messenger.
As they say…
”Don’t kill the messenger, kill the perpetrators”. I don’t mean that literally… LOL
Buh Buh Bye!
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